CAPT. RICHARD'S CHERRY BIKE WASH is a spray on hose off wash for when you want to wash your bike. Ph balanced so it will not stain your aluminum or damage electrical systems, or remove any wanted lubrication from your seals and gaskets.Simply spray it, hose it, dry it, ride it. Simple as that! Biodegradable and Ph balanced with surfactants which reduce surface tension allowing contaminants to be e..
Capt. Richard's Best BOMB'S AWAY all metal polish and sealer. Is the ultimate metal polish. It is non abrasive fast and easy to use. It has sealer in it so there is no need to do a two part process. CRB BOMB'S AWAY will quickly remove oxidation and any stains in the metal, without breaking your elbow. If you want to remove burned boots or bluing from your pipes, Capt. Richard's Best BOMB'S AWAY will do it without scratching the chrome or hazing it over. You can cut down your polishing time by more than half, and extend the time between polishing. If you have a lot of billet your machine you can make that billet look just like chrome, quickly and easily without scratching
What does it do?
If you are sick of spending hours with mediocre metal polishes and getting nowhere, than this is for you. Capt. Richard's Best BOMB'S AWAY removes gas stains off from clearcoat, bluing off pipes, burned chewing tobacco stains, sun tan oil, other unidentified burned material off pipes, and it will take stains out of polished aluminum.
Detailing Instructions:
CRB BOMBS AWAY is used like any other metal polish. First shake well and apply a small amount to a soft cloth. Then rub over surface to remove oxidation and simply buff to great shine. All though this product is non-abrasive the cloths and even the material you are taking off can cause scratches, so be careful. NOTE: Bluing will normally come off pipes, just take your time, and try to use a little pressure and let the product do the work.
CAPT. RICHARD'S CHERRY BIKE WASH is a spray on hose off wash for when you want to wash your bike. Ph balanced so it will not stain your aluminum or damage electrical systems, or remove any wanted lubrication from your seals and gaskets.Simply spray it, hose it, dry it, ride it. Simple as that! Biodegradable and Ph balanced with surfactants which reduce surface tension allowing contaminants to be easily washed away. Each bottle will wash your bike approx 15 times.
What Does It Do?
SPRAY IT, DRY IT, RIDE IT! It's as simple as that. Our Cherry Bike Wash will saves you time and brings back the sparkle and shine to your ride.
Detailing Instructions:
The MICRO FIBER cloth can be used as a polishing cloth or chamois. When dampened, you can wipe down your bike, even if you have light road dust on it, without scratching or streaking. Use this 2 step Motorcycle Cleaning Product for ease and shine! Spray the bike and immediately rinse using a strong water stream especially in cracks and crevices. Dry the bike with a micro fiber. If your ride is really dirty use a good cloth like the micro fiber over these areas to help loosen bugs, and debris.
Captain Richard's Best - Enables you to safely clean polish and protect all painted surfaces, chrome, lexan windshields ( no ammonia ), and any other smooth surface on your bike, car or boat without scratching the surface, without washing first and you never have to wax again! The BEST does not turn color on inner primaries. The BEST is the best and safest product your money can buy to protect the surfaces of your machine and protect your investment. Also for you ladies it is the BEST around the house. One bottle is enough to clean your motorcycle 200 times or 50 cars, enough to last approx 1 - 2 years.
Capt. Richard's Best Kit comes wit
one microfiber cloth
one chamois
a travel size bottle.
*** Colors on cloths may vary.
Most damage to your paint and windshields is done by rags and sponges. MICRO FIBER CLOTHS are the least abrasive material you can use to wash dry or polish. Ninety thousand fibers per square inch, enable you to wipe down surfaces without scratching. While keeping swirl Mark's to a minimum. The cloth picks up material and takes it into the cloths, unlike cloth diapers, terry cloths or any other rag that you might be using.
Colors may vary.